Lasse Sorensen from Food is Love, a local public television program presented by Nine PBS, was on hand to help dish out free food to about a hundred people from the Big Meechie’s food truck. The event began at 11:30 a.m. and 25 people were waiting for their free lunch.
Before the service began, the food truck’s owner, Demetrius Gower, and his mother, Angelia Gower, joined hands to say a prayer before dishing up loaded nachos for the crowd.
Sorensen, a co-founder of Soulcial Kitchen, stood at the window greeting the hungry crowd with a smile. Whole families and individuals showed up to eat at the picnic tables in the park. Sorensen stars in the Emmy-nominated docuseries Food is Love, which stresses the importance of good food in the lives of all people.
Correction on Aug. 19, 2024: The name of the man from “Food is Love” was incorrectly identified. His name is Lasse Sorensen.